Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Today I will be letting my Mother know that we are aware of her Alzheimer's.  I am sure she will probably not accept and may become angry.  My brother, Eric will be with me when we meet.  I don't want her to feel like we are attacking her.  I am hoping that we can gently talk and let her know how much we love  her and we are there for her.  I asked Taylor to give me a blessing this morning.  I have to say that since he blessed me, I am feeling so much more calm.  He said the words that I needed to hear.  I love the gospel and the peace that it brings.  I am grateful for priesthood blessings.


Cherie' said...

Good luck today! I know it will be hard but Heavenly Father is with you and you are doing it because you love her. I think my grandmother is going through something similar because she has angry outbursts every now and again. At first I didn't understand it and it hurt my feelings but once I found out that she might have that I am able to forgive her for the things she says. Be strong, big hug from Jess and I.

jamie said...

I hope everything went okay...or at least as well as can be hoped. Miss you!