Thursday, November 6, 2008


Not much has happened since my last blog.  Kurt is in Singapore and will be home Saturday morning.  I wasn't surprised to wake up yesterday morning to see that our new President of the US will be Barak Obama - I didn't vote for him but I will pray for him and for our country.  It's been interesting to be in another country where EVERYONE is sooo very happy to have him the choice of the majority of the American people.  Like I said, I will pray for him and for our country which I love and miss very much.

I'm out to do some shopping today.  First I will go in and volunteer at the literacy program that I help out with a couple times a week and then I'm going to go and just browse and shop with my friend, Linda.  Everything is Christmas here because they don't celebrate Thanksgiving.  We have decided to have a Thanksgiving dinner here with a cute couple that here studying and doing post-grad work at the University of Reading, Amanda and Branden Berns.  Branden is from Seattle and Amanda is from Littleton, CO.  Funny story about that - they were here a week ago to drive to the temple with us for our youth baptism session and they saw pictures of Andrew & Liz, Taylor & Kiersten and Bryce & Ali that we have displayed.  Amanda looked at the picture of Bryce & Ali and said - I've seen them before.  She is good friends with one of Ali's friends and old roommates, McKenna and had seen their picture posted on her frig after they had sent out their wedding announcements.  It's really a small world in the Church.  Anyways, we are going to have them over for some turkey dinner and also, our friends Frans (American) and his wife, Linda (Brit).  Looking forward to cooking a proper and good Thanksgiving dinner - lol - I haven't done it for awhile and the last one turned out HORRIBLE.  Ask any of my kids about that story :)

Tomorrow I'm going in to a posh little village close to Windsor for a craft fair.  I'm hoping it's a good one.  It's being given by the American Women's Association so I'm hoping that it is more like an American craft fair.  The Brit's do them - but they just aren't the same.  

Okay, enough rambling - I'm off to town.  I love reading all of your posts.  Cheers!


Cherie' said...

Such a small world we live in. Oh, and I sent you another invite to our blog.

J Dub said...

That's exciting to have Americans over for Thanksgiving. Love the small world we live in too. Your life there sounds so cool. :)

The Nielsons said...

I love when you talk about all the cool things you get to do in England. It makes me so jealous but I'm glad that you're there and get to do them!

Angie said...

Okay, blogs are all about stories...tell us about your last thanksgiving fiasco...:) Love ya!